6 Tips you must know to Become a Master in Game Testing

Being a Gamer can become your Career as well. If you read our previous article regarding on how to make money while gaming, you'll know the different types of things to make money from Gaming. One of the most popular job for Gamers are the Game Testers, one of our fans requested from us to share our knowledge about the game testing job and we're here to deliver it for those who are interested for becoming a Game Tester in the near future

1. You must know the Game Testing process

Being a game tester doesn't mean that you are just playing games and looking for bugs, there are different types of Game Testing process such as Alpha/Beta Testing, Regression Testing, Feature Testing, Smoke Testing, Automated Testing or Localization Testing. It also has a Game Testing Phases such as Gathering of Requirements where testers must have a brief understanding of the different aspects of the game such as Storyboard, Architecture, Characters, Features, Concepts, Pointing System, Rules and Stages/Levels.

You also need to Design the Test Cases such as Critical Path Test (where you must find the reasons/causes of the failures), Traditional Black-box testing technique (where you analyze the errors and partitioning as well as the value analysis) and Exception Path testing where you document the alternate paths and/or exception paths in the game).

And Also you need to Document the Test Results as well as logging any kinds malfunctions/errors during the course of your testing.

In english, You'll analyze and find errors and Log them one by one so you must know the technical stuffs before entering this job.

2. Your Credentials/ or Knowledge must fit the employer's criteria for game testing

Again, Game Tester is not an Easy Job and it's not for everyone. To know if you're eligible to become a Game Tester, things that most employers expects from a potential candidates of game testers must have the following:

Core Skills

  • Detail Oriented and Observation - if you can't catch a bug, then forget about testing, this skill is one of the most likely to be tested during the job interview

  • Investigation and troubleshooting skills - In order to find the steps and look for more that will replicate the cause of the defect

  • Tolerance and repetitive and monotonous tasks - You'll need to check every corners that could possibly cause a bug and repeat it many times to make sure that no bugs are present 

  • Analytic thinking - If your employer gives you a specification document about the game to accomplish the X and Y, you must write test scenarios/detailed report that covers the different aspects of X and Y. and analyze every action that has been done during the test.

No Degrees has been specified for this job but IT or Any Computer Related Course Graduates are likely to be the perfect candidates for this.

3. You must have Passion for Video Games

If you don't like Playing Video Games and just want to make money from this job, you'll never make the most out of it! Some employers requires Candidates to be an Avid lover of Video Games and Candidates who are already Gamers are a Plus for the Qualification! 

4. You must have the Equipments (If you like to work from home)

Some employers allows Game Testers to work from home so if you are going to work from home, you must have the proper equipments in order to be able to test the game

5. Keeping your Cool in a Frustrating Situation is the Key

Being Frustrated in your Job leaves Tasks being unfinished on time, so if you want to become a Game Tester, you must have high tolerance for dealing with such annoying situations or you might as well bite your computer in result of frustration just like the girl above! (Kidding)

6. Don't expect too much money for this job

If you expect to earn more money from doing this job, As a starter, this job won't offer much of a high pay (depending on companies). Some employers may offer more than 10$ per hour but the base pay is 10$ per hour for every game testers.

But there are some exclusive perks for Being a Game Tester, Some Companies would even include your name in the Game Credits! But the most common perks that you'll get for being a game tester is that you'll get to play with games early than the majority, Game Developers may also entitle you to receive an exclusive copy of the Game for free including the merch included before the release. 

So if you believe you are the perfect candidate for being a Game Tester, you'll be able to find job offerings at Linkedin or the official job openings from the Game Company you liked the most. Just Research and Provide the things needed by the companies in order to be employed!

I hope these tips would help you to know more about Game Testing and we wish you a good luck if you plan to work as a game tester in the future!

YouTube: ResenkTV

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