Newest Atari Console, Now Available for Pre-order

Atari's Attempt to milk money from Gamer's Nostalgia seemed to be way effective as they launched their crowdfunding at indiegogo for their throwback console that offers "100+" classic games built in, together with new online play.

Atari garnered 8154 backers and earned $2.1 million total in Pre-orders, which surpassed their official target ($100,000)

Watch their Promotional Video below:

The new Atari VCS isn't really made to bring you back to the past, The Design will be inspired from their old console yes, but the User Interface, Device Specifications and the experience includes the features you would normally see from today's console such as high powered RAM, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi connectivity, It also even features Voice Assistant.

But the Good thing is, that the device can let you play the retro games. For the pricing, The Console itself with the wood-panel model is going to cost you for $339, Both Controllers are included in that package, And the cheapest option will be the Onyx model without controllers will cost for $199.

Atari's now obligated to deliver the Consoles to those who pre-ordered and it seems that Atari is not actually revealing a lot about the games available for the new console but the company writes that the "Atari vault includes more than 100 all-time classics in their original arcade and 2600 formats is ready to play as soon as you connect your TV,"

Example of Interface

The new Atari VCS features a Linux Based OS, meaning that developers can do something more from the console and turns out to be opening doors for new possibilities and seems to be a lot of fun can be done within this Console.

You can preorder the console here

YouTube: ResenkTV

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