15 Characters We Love To Hate

15 Characters We Love to Hate

You might wonder why we hate them, but the answer is very simple: we are humans and humans hate things passionately sometimes for irrational reasons. I didn't make the rules. And these answers came from asking around in different fandoms, so don't @ me.

I'm working on my issues, I promise.

1.       1. Mei- Overwatch
Overpowered on main.

2.       2. Ashley Graham- Resident Evil 4

Did you mean: The most useless partner to exist?

3.    Gavin Reed- Detroit: Become Human

If you chose to have Connor make him a coffee, you’ll see exactly why his soul is headed for the very ninth level of hell itself. Don’t let that wink-wonking face deceive you.

4. Todd- Detroit: Become Human

Alcoholism at its finest.

5.   5. Metatron- Supernatural

He might have redeemed himself with that scene with Chuck, but stealing Castiel’s grace is still something I cannot forgive him for.

6.      6.  Charles Augustus Magnussen- Sherlock

This is precisely the face of someone who sits in a closet and pretends he has a library. Sherlock was right to kill you.

7.      7. Judge Turpin- Sweeney Todd
8.    Waluigi

That mustache should say exactly why we hate him.

9. Grim Reaper- Sims

Although a meme, it’s still the Grim Reaper. 

10. The Dog- Duck Hunt
That smug look has inspired many to scream into the void.

1      11.   Hope- Final Fantasy XIII

   Low HP and depressive. I play games to forget real life, not remember myself every time he sighs.

1     12.   Tingle- Legend of Zelda

That face… is fuel of nightmares.

1     13.   Ross Geller- Friends

    Ross Geller is the one friend you should aspire not to be in a friend group.

1     14.   George Mendez- Orange is the New Black

His nickname is literally pornstache so…

1    15.   Kimmy Gibbler- Fuller House

She’s so unnaturally happy and quirky and it all feels like being promised a cake and then receiving diabetes instead.


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