Here's the Truth about the Recent Leak of Red Dead Redemption 2 PC Release

VG247 reported and clipped the leak, take a look
Now, the list looks like this:
But there might be a chance that Red Dead Redemption 2 may also come to PC as most Rockstar Games has been made for PC as well.
Red Dead Redemption is a Series only Exclusive right now for Consoles such as PS4 and Xbox one.
The game is an epic battle survival in a massive and great looking open world map where you'll be playing as John Marson, a guy who struggles to bury his blood-stained past, one man at a time.
The First Red Dead was available for PS3 and if you haven't played this game if you're having a console, we recommend you to play it! And be immersed with the Story and Gameplay it can offer


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