Bethesda Unveils a new game for the Fallout Franchise, Fallout: 76

Bethesda Dropped a "Please Stand by" GIF to twitter yesterday Morning signaling that a brand new game is coming and we expected that it is a Fallout 5 or Fallout 3 Remaster or some new elder scroll game but just this afternoon, Bethesda's YouTube Channel released an Official Teaser Trailer for their new game Fallout 76

Here's the Teaser Trailer

It seems that the new Fallout has skipped far from its predecessor which is Fallout 4, And why make Fallout 76 instead of a Fallout 5? That question is running around my mind while writing this but maybe we will know more about the Game at Bethesda's E3 Press Conference coming on June 10.

YouTube: ResenkTV 

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